Sunday, January 23, 2011

Always remember this --- and you will "win!"

We are only trapped by our prejudices (things we refuse to change) and our luxuries (things we are afraid to lose).

Just a random thought---ooh pop-tars! 


  1. What a wonderful thought Dusty, and so very true.

  2. ytyvm! (hugs) I *do* like pop-tarts! They really are an undervalued, and so tasty breakfast treat! Happy Aquarius day! =D Hope you are doing VERY well today.

  3. Lol pop-tarts rule! Hey Mr. White! I just want to say that I love your work! I know that this is technically a site dedicated to your book "The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot- Ever" but I'm curious as to when your book "Aphrodite's Book of Secrets" will come out. I read your book "How to Get Any Man to do Anything You Want" and I loved it! Thanks to your book I now feel a lot more comfortable approaching guys! I've also gained a lot more confidence and have surrounded myself with a few new really great guyfriends. I'm excited as to what new techniques rest in your next book! Thank again!
